【研究著作目錄 】
- 項潔編。數位人文:在過去、現在和未來之間。臺北市:臺大出版中心,2016年。464頁。
- 項潔編。數位人文研究與技藝。臺北市:臺大出版中心,2014年。230頁。
- 項潔編。數位人文在歷史學研究的應用。臺北市:臺大出版中心,2011年。245頁。
- 項潔編。數位人文研究的新視野:基礎與想像。臺北市:臺大出版中心,2011年。231頁。
- 項潔編。從保存到創造:開啟數位人文研究。臺北市:臺大出版中心,2011年。280頁。
- 項潔主編。國立臺灣大學校史稿(一九二八-二〇〇四)。臺北市:臺大出版中心,2005年。679頁。
- Hsiang, J. & Atsushi Ohori, editors, Advances in Computing Science, 304 pages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1538, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- Hsiang, J., editor, Rewrite Techniques and Applications, 439 pages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 940, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
- Bachmair, L. & J. Hsiang, editors, Rewrite Techniques in Theorem Proving, Academic Press, London, 1991.
- Jieh-Sheng Lee & Jieh Hsiang, PatentTransformer-1.5: Measuring Patent Claim Generation by Span Relevancy, LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence), Volume 12331 (2020).
- 項潔、陳麗華(2016.10)。數位人文視野下的歷史研究:歷史資料庫的建置與脈絡分析。翰林科學院研討會-一松學術叢書7。(韓文)
- 項潔、陳麗華(2014.4)。數位人文-學科對話與融合的新領域。在項潔編,數位人文研究與技藝(頁9-23)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 彭維謙、劉士綱、杜協昌、翁稷安、項潔(2014.4)。自動擷取中文典籍中人名之嘗試-以PMI(Pointwise Mutual Information)斷詞於《資治通鑑》的應用為例。在項潔編,數位人文研究與技藝(頁139-163)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 項潔、翁稷安(2012.11)數位人文的變與不變。在項潔編,數位人文要義:尋找類型與軌跡(頁9-21)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 項潔、翁稷安(2012.11)多重脈絡—數位檔案之問題與挑戰。在項潔編,數位人文要義:尋找類型與軌跡(頁25-59)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 項潔、翁稷安(2011.12)數位人文和歷史研究。在項潔編,數位人文在歷史學研究的應用(頁11-20)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 項潔、翁稷安(2011.11)關於數位人文的思考:理論與方法。在項潔編,數位人文研究的新視野:基礎與想像(頁9-18)。
- 涂豐恩、杜協昌、陳詩沛、何浩洋、項潔(2011.11)當資訊科技碰到史料:臺灣歷史數位圖書館中的未解問題。在項潔編,數位人文研究的新視野:基礎與想像(頁21-44)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 陳詩沛、項潔、何浩洋、杜協昌(2011.11)《明清臺灣行政檔案》引用關係之重構。在項潔編,數位人文研究的新視野:基礎與想像(頁85-115)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。
- 項潔、涂豐恩(2011.11)什麼是數位人文。在項潔編,從保存到創造:開啟數位人文研究(頁9-28)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 陳詩沛、杜協昌、項潔(2011.11)史料整體分析工具之幕後-介紹臺灣歷史數位圖書館的資料前置處理程序。在項潔編,從保存到創造:開啟數位人文研究(頁51-66)。臺北市:臺大出版中心。

- 項潔、蕭屹灵、董家兒(2009.11)跨界的日治法院檔案研究。在王泰升主編,日治法院檔案數位典藏系統之研發與建置(頁83-224)。臺北市:元照出版社。
- JM Chu, HC Lo, J Hsiang, CC Cho, From PARIS to LE-PARIS: Toward Patent Response Automation with Recommender Systems and Collaborative Large Language Models Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2024
- 項潔、胡其瑞(2021.4)。歷史文本的詞彙標記及應用。數字人文研究2021年01期,頁48-64。
- 項潔、洪一梅(2021.1)。數字人文取徑下的淡新檔案重整與分析(下)。檔案學通訊2021年01期,頁44-48。
- 項潔、洪一梅(2020.6)。數字人文取徑下的淡新檔案重整與分析(上)。檔案學通訊2020年06期,頁4-13。
- Jieh-Sheng Lee, Jieh Hsiang.(2020.09). Patent claim generation by fine-tuning OpenAI GPT-2. World Patent Information Volume 62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wpi.2020.101983
- Hsieh-Chang Tu, Jieh Hsiang, I-Mei Hung, and Chijui Hu. (2020.07). DocuSky, A Personal Digital Humanities Platform for Scholars. Journal of Chinese History Volume 4, Special Issue 2 (Digital Humanities), 564-580, Cambridge University Press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jch.2020.28

- Jieh-Sheng Lee, Jieh Hsiang. (2020). Patent classification by fine-tuning BERT language model. World Patent Information 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wpi.2020.101965

- 項潔、翁稷安(2017.12)。多重脈絡—數位檔案之問題與挑戰。學術史與方法論專號,地方檔案與文獻研究期刊,國家圖書館出版社。

- 項潔、洪一梅(2019.5)。新世紀數位與人文研究取徑─「國立臺灣大學數位人文研究中心」簡介。漢學研究通訊,第三十八卷第二期,頁32-38。
- 項潔(2017.12)。檔案與數位人文:數位人文視野下的檔案系統。國史研究通訊,第13期,152-162頁,106年12月,國史館。
- 項潔、陳麗華、杜協昌、鍾嘉軒(民國104年12月)。數位人文視野下的知識分類觀察:兩部官修類書的比較分析。東亞觀念史集刊,9期,頁229-286。
- 項潔,數位資源對於歷史學研究的意義:一個數位人文研究者的觀察,國史研究通訊,第七期,4-9頁,103年12月,國史館。

- Kuang-hua Chen, Muh-chyun Tang, Chun-mei Wang, Jieh Hsiang:
Exploring alternative metrics of scholarly performance in the social sciences and humanities in Taiwan. Scientometrics 102(1): 97-112(2015)
- Yu-Chun Wang, Karol Chia-Tien Chang, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Jieh Hsiang:
Transliteration Extraction from Classical Chinese Buddhist Literature Using Conditional Random Fields with Language Models. IJCLCLP19(3) (2014)
- Shih-Pei Chen, Yu-Ming Huang, Jieh Hsiang, Hsieh-Chang Tu, Hou Ieong Ho, Ping-Yen Chen.Discovering land transaction relations from land deeds of Taiwan, Literary & Linguistic Computing, Vol.28, No.2, pp.257-270, June 2013.

- Yu-Chun Wang, Chun-Kai Wu, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Jieh Hsiang.Transliteration Pair Extraction from Classical Chinese Buddhist Literature Using Phonetic Similarity Measurement, New Generation Computing, 31(4),265-283.2013.
- J. Hsiang, S.P. Chen, H.I. Ho, H.C. Tu, "Discovering Relationships from Imperial Court Documents of Qing Dynasty", International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Edinburgh University Press, Vol.6, No.1-2, pp22-41, March 2012.

- 項潔、湯世鑄、涂豐恩(民國100年9月)國立臺灣大學圖書館藏小川文庫聖經文獻介紹,大學圖書館,15卷2期,19-38頁。
- Kuang-hua Chen and Jieh Hsiang, A unique approach to institutional repository: Practice of National Taiwan University, The Electronic Library, 27, 2 (2009) pp. 204-221.[SSCI]
- 項潔、洪筱盈(2007年4月)。創造、管理及使用數位館藏:臺大圖書館經驗談。在學術圖書館館員在變革管理上的挑戰(香港:香港中文大學圖書館,2007年4月11-12日)。中國圖書館學報2007年增刊(2007年6月),頁9-11, 16。
- 項潔、洪筱盈。大學圖書館數位保存與館藏發展策略:以臺大圖書館為例。大學圖書館10卷2期(民95年9月),頁2-18。

- Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Shih-Hung Wu, Wen-Chi Chou, Yu-Chun Lin, Ding He, Jieh Hsiang, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, Various criteria in the evaluation of biomedical named entity recognition, BMC Bioinformatics 7(92), 2006.
- Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Wen-Chi Chou, Shih-Hung Wu, Ting-Yi Sung, Jieh Hsiang, & Wen-Lian Hsu, Integrating linguistic knowledge into a conditional random field framework to identify biomedical named entities. Expert Systems with Applications 30(1), 117-128, 2006.
- Jen-Shin Hong, Bai-Hsuan Chen, Sheng-Hao Hung & Jieh Hsiang, Toward an integrated digital museum system: the Chi Nan experiences, International Journal on Digital Libraries 5(3), pp. 231-251, 2005.
- 項潔、洪筱盈。臺灣機構典藏發展芻議。教育資料與圖書館學43卷2期(民94年12月),頁173-189。

- 項潔、陳雪華、陳昭珍、郭筑盈。數位典藏產業商業模式之探討。中華民國圖書館學會會報75,民國94年12月,頁63-74。
- J. Hsiang, D Frank Hsu & Yuh-Pyng Shieh, On the hardness of counting problems of complete mappings, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.277, No.1-3, pp.87-100, 2004.
- 項潔、陳雪華、吳海如。國家檔案數位化影像品質之研究。檔案季刊3卷4期,民國93年12月,頁1-15。
- 項潔、陳雪華、吳海如、洪淑芬。各國檔案數位化之探討。檔案季刊3卷3期,民國93年9月,頁1-20。
- 項潔、陳雪華、鄭惇方、魏雅惠。數位典藏加值應用之探討。臺大圖書資訊學刊2卷1期,民國93年6月,頁1-17。
- 陳雪華、項潔、陳香君、郭筑盈、朱瀅潔。臺灣地區數位內容產業人力發展之研究。大學圖書館7卷2期,民國92年9月,頁2-15。
- C. C. Chen, H. H. Chen, K. H. Chen, & J. Hsiang, The Design of Metadata for the Digital Museum Initiative in Taiwan, Online Information Review, Vol.26, No.5, pp.295-306, 2002.
- H. H. Chen, J. Hsiang, C. C. Chen, H.Y. Hong, D. Hsu, & H.W. Chang, On the Interoperation Framework of Digital Archives, Chinese Journal of Libraries, Vol.68, pp.1-13, 2002.
- 項潔、陳雪華、魏雅惠、高世芯。數位典藏創意加值應用之初探。資訊與教育雜誌91期,民國91年,頁10-16。
- 項潔、陳雪華、陳昭珍、洪筱盈、徐代昕、張懷文。數位典藏互通性架構之探討。中國圖書館學會會報68期,民國91年6月,頁1-13。
- 張連浩、洪政欣、何健鎔、周文一、項潔。寬邊琉璃小灰蝶Callenya melaena shonen (Esaki) (鱗翅目:小灰蝶科) 之幼生期形態描述。特有生物研究4卷1期,民國91年,頁35-39。
- 陳百薰、項潔、姜宗模、洪政欣。數位博物館探討。博物館學季刊16卷3期,民國91年7月,頁15-37。
- Y. P. Hsieh, J. Hsiang & D. F. Hsu, On the Enumerations of Abelian K-Complete Mappings, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 144, pp.66-87, 2001.
- H.C. Tu & J. Hsiang, An Architecture and Category Knowledge for Intelligent Information Retrieval Agents, Decision Support Systems, Vol.28, pp.255-268, 2000.
- 吳密察、項潔。淡新檔案的數位化整理。中國現代史專題研究報告第二十一輯,民國89年,頁575-603。
- J. Hsiang & G. S. Huang, "Compact Representation of Boolean Ring Formulas", (invited paper), Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research, vol 6, pp 178-187, Beijing, 1999.
- J. Hsiang & J. S. Lee, If Viruses can Talk, Science Monthly, Vol.342, pp.464-469, 1998.
- J. Hsiang & Atsushi Ohori, Special Issue on Advances in Computing Science ASIAN '98, International Journal on the Foundations of Computer Science Vol.11, No.1, 1998.
- J. Hsiang, Digitizing Taiwan's Historical Archives--The NTU Digital Library/Museum Project, pp. 1516-1519, Vol.20, No. 12, National Science Council Monthly, 1998.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On the modelling of search in theorem-proving--Towards a theory of strategy analysis, Information and Computation, Vol.47, No.2, pp.171-208, 1998.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On Semantic Resolution with Lemmaizing and Contraction and a Formal Treatment of Caching, New Generation Computing, Vol.16, No.2, pp.163-200, 1998.
- J. Hsiang, Foreword, Theoretical computer science, Vol.192, No.1, pp.1, 1998.
- 項潔。臺灣史料數位化-臺大電子圖書館與博物館計畫。科學發展26卷12期,民國87年,頁1516-1519。
- J. Hsiang & G. S. Huang, Some fundamental properties of Boolean ring normal forms, DIMACS Series on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, American Mathematical Society, Vol.35, pp.587-602, 1997.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On the notion of complexity of search in theorem proving, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Vol.3, No.2, pp.253-254, June, 1997.
- J. Hsiang & A. Wasilewska, Automating Algebraic Proofs in Algebraic Logic, Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol.28, No.1-2, pp.129-140, 1996.
- H. Zhang, M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, A Case Study of Parallel Satisfiability on Quasigroup Problems, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.21, pp.543-560, 1996.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, A category theory approach to completion-based theorem proving strategies, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.12, pp.101-125, 1996.
- H. Zhang, M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang PSATO: a Distributed Propositional Prover and its Application to Quasigroup Problems., Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.21, No.4, pp.543-560, 1996.
- H. Chen & J. Hsiang, Recurrence Domains: Their Unification and Application to Logic Programming, Information and Computation, Vol.122, No.1, pp.45-69, 1995.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Towards a Foundation of Completion Procedures as Semidecision Procedures, Theoretical Computer Science Vol.146, No.1-2, pp.199-242, July 1995.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, "Distributed Deduction by Clause-Diffusion", Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 24, pp.177-207, September 1995.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, The Clause-Diffusion Methodology for Distributed Deduction., Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 24, No.1&2, pp.177-207, September 1995.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Distributed Deduction by Clause-Diffusion: Distributed Contraction and the Aquarius Prover, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.19, No.1-3, pp. 245-267, 1995.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang A Category-Theoretic Treatment of Automated Theorem Proving, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, pp.120-125, March 1994.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On Subsumption in Distributed Deduction, Journal of Automated Deduction, Vol.12, No.2, pp.225-240, 1994.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Parallelizing deduction strategies: an analytical study, Journal of Automated Reasoning, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-33, 1994.
- J. Hsiang, H. Kirchner, P. Lescanne, & M. Rusinowitch, Automated Theorem Proving in the Presence of Equalities, Journal of Logic Programming, Vol.14, No.1-2, pp.71-99, 1992.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On Rewrite Programs: Semantics and Relationship with Prolog, Journal of Logic Programming, Vol.14, No.1-2, pp.155-180, 1992.
- J. Hsiang & M. Rusinowitch, Proving Refutational Completeness of Theorem Proving Strategies. The Transfinite Semantic Tree Method, Journal of ACM, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 559-587, July, 1991.
- S. Anantharaman & J. Hsiang, Automated Proofs of the Moufang Identities in Alternative Rings, Journal of Automated Reasoning, Vol.6, No.1, pp.79-109, 1990.
- J. Hsiang, Rewrite Method for Theorem Proving in First Order Theory with Equality, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.3, No.1-2, pp.133-151, 1987.
- J. Hsiang & M.K. Srivas, Automatic Inductive Theorem Proving using Prolog, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.54, No.1, pp.3-28, 1987.
- J. Hsiang, Refutational Theorem Proving using Term Rewriting Systems, Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol.25, No.3, pp.255-300, 1985. Translated into Russian and included in Cybernetics Annual, 25 (1988) pp.5-57, Academic of Science, Moscow.
(四)其他刊物(Other periodicals)
- 項潔(2020.6)。打造「圖」「書」合一的圖書館。臺灣出版與閱讀109 年第 2 期(總號第 10 期),頁 114-117。
- 項潔(2018.7)。「人文與社會科學簡訊:數位人文研究(二)」專題電子書序。人文社會科學簡訊:數位人文研究(二)專題電子書(頁3-5)。臺北市:科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司。
- 項潔(2018.4)。發刊詞:從數位典藏到數位人文。《數位典藏與數位人文》,(1),i-v。doi:10.6853/DADH.201804_1.0000。
- 項潔、薛弼心(2018.3)。科技部「數位人文推廣計畫」概述。人文社會科學簡訊,19卷2期,86-92頁,107年3月,科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司。
- 項潔(民101,4月)。從數位典藏到數位人文—談檔案的多重脈絡。臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院院訊,第7卷第1期。
- 蔡炯民、歐仲翔、翁稷安、項潔(民國 100 年6 月)時空資料的地方再現:GIS 與數位典藏的交會,國土資訊系統通訊,78 期,13-20 頁。
- 項潔、彭惠萱、董家兒、蕭屹灵(民國99年9月)。臺灣發展的歷史脈絡--建置臺灣省諮議會史料總庫之總觀,臺灣省諮議會會訊,18期,34-41頁。
- 項潔、涂豐恩(民國98年5月)。數位歷史如何可能:簡介台大數位典藏研究發展中心之工作旨趣,台大歷史系學術通訊,第3期,頁28-36。
- 項潔、董家兒、蕭屹灵(民國97年)。臺灣省議會檔案數位典藏系統之研發與建置,臺灣省諮議會會訊,16期,33-46頁。
(五)研討會論文(Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings)
- HC Lo, JM Chu, J Hsiang, CC Cho, Large Language Model Informed Patent Image Retrieval5th Workshop on Patent Text Mining and Semantic Technologies (PatentSemTech 2024)” alongside SIGIR 2024
- JM Chu, HC Lo, J Hsiang, Patent Response System Optimized for Faithfulness: Procedural Knowledge Embodiment with Knowledge Graph and Retrieval Augmented Generation, ACM ACL 2024
- 張毓哲、傅莉雯、項潔。歷代寶案脈絡分析系統之建置。中文文獻資源共建共享合作會議(視訊會議,民國100年)
- Jieh-Sheng Lee & Jieh Hsiang, Prior Art Search and Reranking for Generated Patent Text, The 2nd Workshop on Patent Text Mining and Semantic Technologies (PatentSemTech2021)
- Jieh-Sheng Lee & Jieh Hsiang, Controlling Patent Text Generation by Structural Metadata, The 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) (2020)
- 李界昇 & 項潔,專利與它們未來的產地,第二十四屆全國科技法律研討會 (2020)
- I Mei Hung, Chijui Hu, Jieh Hsiang.(2020). Exploring Guangxu-era missionary activities in Taiwan from Chinese Recorder, Dan-Hsin Archives and Ming-Qing Taiwan Administrative Archives through DocuSky. Digital Humanities 2020, Ottawa: Carleton University(Online).
- Jieh-Sheng Lee & Jieh Hsiang, Measuring Patent Claim Generation by Span Relevancy, Thirteenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN) (2019)
- 賴思頻、杜協昌、項潔。多文本對讀工具 — 以 DocuXML 格式實現多文本間的對讀。2019數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(臺北市:台灣師範大學,民國108年)
- Jieh-Sheng Lee, Jieh Hsiang (2019). Measuring Patent Claim Generation by Span Relevancy. JURISIN 2019, Raiosha Building, Keio University Kanagawa, Japan.
- Jieh Hsiang (2019). Context Discovery with the Digital Library of Local Councils Journals (DLLCJ). August 29-31, JADH 2019, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan.
- Hsin-Hsuan Sung, Jou-An Chen, Jieh Hsiang (2019). Finding Documents Related to Taiwan in the Veritable Records of Qing Using Relevance Feedback. TPDL 2019, Norway, pp.280-287.
- Tu, H. C., Hsiang, J. (2018). DocuSky: A New Paradigm of DH Platform. PNC 2018, Fort Mason for Arts & Culture, San Francisco.
- Arthur, P., Hsiang, J., & Shimoda, M. (2018). Connecting Open Texts and Tools through DocuSky. September 9-11, JADH 2018, Hitotsusubashi Hall.
- Su, H., Hsiang, J.., Lin, N. (2018). On natural Disasters in Chinese Standard Histories. Digital Humanities 2018, Mexico, pp.406-408.
- 項潔、陳麗華。數位人文與脈絡分析:歷史資料庫的視野與取向。翰林科學院研討會-一松學術研討會(韓國:翰林大學,2016年10月)
- J. Hsiang, How to Read Encyclopedia – the Tale of Two Leishu, PNC 2016, Getty Center, LA.
- Tang, M., Cheng, Y., Chen, K., Hsiang, J., A study of Knowledge Integration in Digital Humanities based on Bibliographic Analysis. Digital Humanities 2016, Krakow, Poland.
- J. Hsiang, Context Discovery in Land Deeds, Workshop on Towards a Digital Eurasia 2016, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
- Muh-Chyun Tang, Yun- Jen Cheng, Kuang-hua Chen, Jieh Hsiang: A Longitudinal Analysis of Knowledge Integration in Digital Humanities Using Co-citation Analysis. Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, Australia.
- L.Spiro, J. Cawthorne, V. Lewis, X. Wang, N. Freistat, J. Hsiang, R. Siemens, F. Ma, P. Spence, Global Perspectives on Digital Humanities Expertise, Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, Australia.
- 項潔。拆解與重組:工具書的電子化, 東亞出版人協會年會(東京:2015年4月)
- J. Hsiang, Building digital archives for historians, ICADL 2014, Chiangmai, Thailand.
- Chia-yu Hu, Jieh Hsiang, Digital heritage and global convergence: TECOM as a recollection space for Taiwan indigenous objects in overseas museums, International Symposium on Taiwanese Indigenous People 2014, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Jieh Hsiang, Lihua Chen, Chia-Hsuan Chung. A glimpse of the change of worldview between 7th and 10th century China through two leishu.July 7-12, Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Paul Arthur, Jieh Hsiang, Masahiro Shimoda. Transcending Borders through DH Networking in the Asia-Pacific.September 19-21, JADH2013, Ritsumeikan University.
- Chia-Hsuan Chung, Jieh Hsiang. On Mapping the Ontologies of Leishu - A Preliminary Investigation.September 16-18, culture and computing 2013, Ritsumeikan University.
- J. Hsiang, H.C. Tu, A Text-mining Approach to the Authorship Attribution Problem of Dream of the Red Chamber, Digital Humanities, 2013, Lincoln, Nebraska.

- 彭維謙、劉士綱、杜協昌、翁稷安、項潔 。自動擷取中文典籍中人名之嘗試:以PMI (Pointwise Mutual Information)於《資治通鑑》的應用為例。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國101 年11月)
- Peter K. Bol, Jieh Hsiang, Grace Fong. Prosopographical Databases, Text-Mining, GIS and System Interoperability for Chinese History and Literature. July 16-22, Digital Humanities 2012, University of Hamburg.
- Jieh Hsiang, Jung-Wei Kong, Allan Sung, Information Discovery in the Chinese Recorder Index. July 16-22, Digital Humanities 2012, University of Hamburg.

- Ruey-Cheng Chen, Chia-Jung Lee, Chiung-Min Tsai, Jieh Hsiang.Information preservation in static index pruning.CIKM 2012, pp2487-2490.
- Ruey-Cheng Chen, Chiung-Min Tsai, and Jieh Hsiang. A regularized compression method to unsupervised word segmentation. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology, SIGMORPHON '12, pages 26-34, Montreal, Canada, 2012. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Yuan-Chuan Lee, Cher-Jean Lee, Jieh Hsiang, I-ling Hsiao, Chiung-min Tsai, Chia-erh Tung Tracing the path to democracy: The Digital Repository of Taiwan Provincial Assembly and beyond. TELDAP Internationl Conference 2012. Taipei, Taiwan, February 21-24, 2012.中央研究院。
- J. Hsiang, From Digital to Physical – How the NTU Museum Group Came About, APRU Research Symposium on University Museums, Kyoto University, September 13, 2012.
- 陳品諺、彭維謙、項潔。《清實錄》之文本分析與時間標記初探。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國100 年12月)
- 張嘉文、歐仲翔、翁稷安、項潔。開放式歷史地理資訊系統-日治時期臺灣主題式地理分佈圖繪製系統之開發與應用。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國100年12月)
- Chiung-min Tsai, Chia-er Dong, Hsin-yi Cheng, Jieh Hsiang Anchoring Meaningful Collections for Digital Scholarship: Lessons Learned from Taiwan Historical Digital Library (THDL) 13-18 August 2011, 77th IFLA General Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Szu-Pei Chen, Yu-Ming Huang, Hou-Ieong Ho, Ping-Yen Chen, Jieh Hsiang, Discovering Land Transaction Relations from Land Deeds of Taiwan. June 19-22, Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, USA
- Szu-Pei Chen, Hou-Ieong Ho, Hsieh-Chang Tu, Jieh Hsiang, Discovering Citation Relations among the Imperial Court Documents of Qing China. June 19-22, Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, USA.
- J. Hsiang, Shu-fen Lin, Breathing New Life into Static Materials, 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii January 4-7, 2011.
- Hsiang Jieh , Chun-Min Tsai , Chia-erh Tung , and Hsin-yi Cheng, The Integration and Representation of Digital Resources: Achievements of National Taiwan University Digital Archives Project from 2002 to 2010 PNC 2010 Annual Conference ,City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 1-3, 2010.
- I ling Hsiao, Jieh Hsiang ,Hui hsuan Peng ,Chun Min Tsai, Hao wen Ko The Realization of the Taiwan Provincial Assembly Digital Repository (TPADRo) PNC 2010 Annual Conference, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 1-3, 2010
- Po yu Chen, Jieh Hsiang Image Pad: Image based Annotation System applied to Digital Archives PNC 2010 Annual Conference ,City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 1-3, 2010.
- Ruey-Cheng Chen, Chiung-Min Tsai, and Jieh Hsiang, Relevance Model Revisited: With Multiple Document Representations, The Sixth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, December 1-3, 2010.
- 涂豐恩、杜協昌、陳詩沛、何浩洋、項潔。當資訊科技碰到史料──臺灣歷史數位圖書館中的未解問題。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國99年11月)
- 黃于鳴、陳品諺、何浩洋、陳詩沛、項潔。台灣契約文書交易關係的自動重建。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國99年11月)
- 歐仲翔、林農堯、涂豐恩、項潔。GIS與台灣契約文書的空間分析。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國99年11月)
- 陳詩沛、項潔、何浩洋、杜協昌。明清臺灣行政檔案引用關係之重構。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國99年11月)
- Jieh Hsiang & Ho Hou I. ,Effectiveness of Social Networking in a University Library Environment, International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. Valencia, Spain, October 25-28, 2010.
- Jieh Hsiang,From Digital Archives to Digital Humanities – The NTU Approach, International Symposium on Grid Computing. Taipei, Taiwan, March 5-12, 2010.
- 陳詩沛、杜協昌、項潔。史料整體分析工具之幕後─介紹臺灣歷史數位圖書館的資料前置處理程序。數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學霖澤館,民國98年12月)
- Jieh Hsiang, Szu-Pei Chen, Hsieh-Chang Tu,On Building a Full-Text Digital Library of Land Deeds of Taiwan, Digital Humanities 2009( College Park, 22-25 June,2009 )
- 項潔、蕭屹灵。日治法院檔案數位典藏系統之研發與建置。日治法院檔案與跨界的法律史研究國際研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學圖書館,民98年3月)。
- 項潔、陳詩沛、杜協昌。臺灣古契約文書全文資料庫的建置。第三屆臺灣古文書與歷史研究學術研討會(台中市:逢甲大學, 民國98年3月 )
- Jieh Hsiang, The Web-Scalable Library, GRL2020. Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 24-25, 2009.
- Jieh Hsiang, and Chiung-Min Tsai, Bringing Museums’ Cultural and Scientific Heritages to the Communities, Bridging the IP Gap: Realistic Institute for Digital Media and Content, Keio University. Japan, Jan. 24-25 ,2009.
- Jieh Hsiang and Chiung-Min Tsai, Implementing an Institutional Repository for Digital Archive, Library and Museum Communities: Experience from National Taiwan University, Museum Computer Network 2008 Conference: Let’s do it right! Washington DC Nov.12-15.
- Yu-Jen Chen, Zong-Nan Shen, Ying-Chieh Chen, Chun-Fa Chang, Yung-Yu Chuang, Jieh Hsiang. Extensions to Inverse Displacement Mapping: Towards More Accurate Silhouette and Dynamic Displacement. ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2008.
- 項潔、蔡炯民(民國97年)。數位典藏之加值與服務。中華民國圖書館學會97年度數位典藏實務與加值服務研習班研習手冊,頁143-151。2008年8月4-8日,台北:政治大學。
- Szu-Pei Chen, Jieh Hsiang, Hsieh-Chang Tu, & Micha Wu , On building a full-text digital library of Historical Documents, ICADL 2007 (Hanoi, Vietnam, 10-13 Dec. 2007), LNCS 4822, pp. 49-60.
- 項潔(民國96年)。臺灣大學圖書館數位典藏計畫與展望。臺灣圖書館數位典藏現況與展望(2007年12月台北)
- Jieh Hsiang, Hsueh-hua Chen and Chiung-min Tsai, Bringing Taiwan’s Cultural and Scientific Heritage On-line:The Digital Archives Project of National Taiwan University, 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council, World Library and Information Congress. Durban, South Africa, Oct. 19-23.
- Jieh Hsiang, Hsueh-hua Chen and Chiung-min Tsai, Digitalizing the Past, Creating the Future: On-line Archives of Taiwan Heritage (OATH). The 26th Annual ALA Poster Sessions, American Library Association Annual Conference. Washington DC June 23-25.
- Jieh Hsiang, Cipher Kao, The NTU Digital Library & Museum of Buddhist Studies: Past, Present and Future, International Conference on Domestication of Buddhism, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia: National University Mongolia, July 7-8, 2007.
- 項潔、洪淑芬(2007年5月)。特藏圖書資料之創生性典藏與其主題分類:以臺灣原住民照片為例。從數位典藏到數位學習:臺灣原住民族的文化傳承學術研討會(台北市:國立臺灣大學圖書館,民96年5月11日)。
- Nachum Dershowitz, Jieh Hsiang, Guan-shieng Huang & Daher Kaiss , Boolean Rings for Intersection-Based Satisfiability, Proceedings of LPAR 2006. Cambodia, 13-17 Nov. 2006.
- Hsueh-hua Chen, Jieh Hsiang & Chiung-min Tsai, Implementing an Institutional Repository for Digital Archive Communities: Experiences from National Taiwan University International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. Mexico, 3-6 Oct. 2006.
- Hsieh-Chang Tu and Jieh Hsiang (2006), An Effectiveness Measure for Evaluating Open Retrieval Systems OSIR 2006. USA: Seattle, 6-11 Aug. 2006.
- 項潔、洪筱盈(民95年1月)。臺灣機構典藏發展芻議。數位時代圖書館館藏發展研討會論文集(臺中市:中興大學圖書館,民國95年1月17日),頁205-220。
- Hou Ieong Ho & Jieh Hsiang (2005, December). Configurable Meta-Search for Integrating Web Public Access Catalogs. ICADL 2005, LNCS 3815, pp. 317-322.
- 項潔、陳雪華、洪筱盈(民94年12月)。活化部落文物館:原住民文物館的角色探討。行政院原住民族委員會邁入第十年系列活動:2005營造學習型部落研討會季成果展(臺北市:行政院原住民委員會,民國94年12月8日),頁133-137。
- 項潔、高世芯。文化館與數位化交織.共築部落記憶。資源整合與部落學習-93年度營造學習型部落與社區研討會(臺北市:行政院原住民委員會,民國93年12月2日),頁37-42。
- Bee-Chung Chen & Jieh Hsiang, A Logical Framework of Knowledge Retrieval with Fuzziness, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2004), pp. 524-528, Beijing, China, 20-24 September 2004.
- 謝育平、吳政泓、項潔。可攜式字集資源架構-用以解決缺字問題。第三屆數位典藏技術研討會(臺北市:中央研究院資訊科學研究所,民國93年8月5日至6日),頁71-78。
- 謝育平、項潔、黃光璿、許德標。24皇后問題共有227,514,171,973,736個解。第二十一屆組合數學與計算理論研討會論文集(臺中市:臺中健康管理學院,民國93年5月21日至22日),頁171-176。
- J. Hsiang, Hsueh-hua Chen & Chao-chen Chen, Digital Archives and the Digital Content Industry, Proceedings of 2004 APEC workshop on Resource Sharing in Digital Libraries, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.91-108, March 16-19, 2004.
- J. Hsiang, Chiung-min Tsai, Digitalizing the Heritage Archives in National Taiwan University Library, International Symposium on Digital Libraries and Knowledge Communities in Networked Information Society 2004 (DLKC 2004), University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, pp.58, March 2-5, 2004.
- N. Dershowitz, J. Hsiang, G. S. Huang & D. Kaiss, Boolean Ring Satisfiability, Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2004), Vancouver, BC, Candada, pp.281-286, 2004.
- 謝育平、項潔。可攜式文字資源--用以解決中文的缺字問題。第三屆海峽兩岸科學技術學術研討會(嘉義縣:中正大學,民國92年10月27至28日)。
- 項潔、高世芯。臺灣地區文化數位典藏發展與現況。海峽兩岸服務主導型數字圖書館建設學術研討會(上海:交通大學,民國92年10月16日)。
- B. H. Chen, S. H. Hung, J. S. Hong & J. Hsiang, Modularization Framework for Digital Museum Exhibition., Proceedings of the third ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital libraries, May 2003.
- Yuh-Pyng Shieh, Chung-Chen Chen, J. Hsiang, A Reasoning Framework for Heterogeneous XML, International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE2003), Newark, New Jersey, USA, pp.404-411, October 10-13, 2003.
- J. Hsiang, W. J. Liu, B. C. Chen & H. C. Tu, Multidimensional interactive fine-grained image retrieval, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland, Vol.1, No.6-9, pp.297-300, July 6-9, 2003.
- 陳雪華、項潔、鄭惇方。數位典藏在數位內容產業之應用加值。博物館典藏數位再造理論與實務研討會-人與自然論文集(臺中市:國立自然科學博物館,民國91年11月27-28日),頁17-24。
- 項潔、陳雪華、鄭惇方。數位典藏之產業前景探討。2002經濟部技術處學界科專非技術領域學術研討會論文集(臺北市:中華經濟研究院,民國91年9月5-6日),頁435-447。
- J. Hsiang, Y. P. Shieh, and Y. C. Chen The Cyclic Complete Mappings Counting Problems, PaPS:Problems and Problem Sets for ATP Workshop in conjunction with CADE-18 and FLoC 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 27-August 1, 2002.
- J. Hsiang & Hsueh-hua Chen, Digital Archives and the Digital Content Industry, Proceedings of 2002 APEC workshop on e-learning and digital libraries, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.237-252, December 16-20, 2002.
- J. S. Hong, B. H. Chen, & J. Hsiang, XSL-based Content Management for Multi-presentation Digital Library Exhibitions, 5th European Conference on Digital Libraries, pp.378-389, LNCS 2163, Sept., 2001.
- J. Hsiang and Y. G. Tang, Focalization on Interactive Retrieval, 12th International Conference on New Information Technology (NIT 2001), Beijing, China, May 29-31, 2001.
- J. S. Hong, B. S. Chen, & J. Hsiang, Content Management for Digital Museum Exhibitions, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2001.
- J. Hsiang and H. C. Tu, Focalization in Interactive Retrieval, International Conference on Next Generation Information Technology, Beijing, June, 2001.
- G. H. Huang & J. Hsiang, Symmetry Elimination in Exhaustive Search, 17th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000.
- J. S. Hong, H. Y. Chen & J. Hsiang, A Digital Museum of Taiwanese Butterflies, ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2000.
- C. H. Yu & J. Hsiang, Butterpree-Preparing Course Material from a Digital Museum of Butterflies, International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction and Internet Computing, pp.7-11, October 2000.
- H. C. Tu, M. L. Lyu, & J. Hsiang, Agent Technology for Website Browsing and Navigation, the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1999.
- D. Blundell & J. Hsiang, Taiwan Austronesian Electronic Cultural Atlas of the Pacific, Proceedings of the 1999 EBTI, ECAI, SEER and PNC Joint Meeting, pp.525-540, January 1999.
- J. Hsiang & J. S. Hong, Overview of a Digital Museum of Taiwanese Butterflies, International Conference on IT and Global Digital Library Development, pp.201-208, August 1999.
- 項潔。臺灣史料數位化的一些挑戰。21世紀資訊科學與技術的展望,民國87年,頁349-352。
- J. Hsiang & H. C. Tu, Personalized Web Retrieval: Three Agents for Retrieving Web Information, Pacific Rim Conference on Multi-agents, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.1599, pp.118-132, 1998.
- J. Hsiang, A. Ohori. Advances in Computing Science-ASIAN '98, Proceedings of 4th Asian Computing Science Conference, Manila, The Philippines, p.5022, December 8-10, 1998.
- H. C. Tu & J. Hsiang, An architecture and category knowledge for intelligent information retrieval agents, Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1998, Vol.4, No.6-9, pp.405-414, Jan., 1998.
- J. Hsiang, Challenges in the Digitization of Taiwan's Historical Archives, Proceedings of the Conference on Information Science and Technology for the Twenty-First Century, 1998.
- H. C. Tu & J. Hsiang, Practical Effectiveness Measures for Evaluating Large Retrieval Systems, International Symposium on Internet Technology, pp.8-13, 1998.
- J. Hsiang, Deduction Methods Based on Boolean Rings, the Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14), July 1997.
- J. Hsiang, 1997 Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automated Reasoning Recipient: Professor Wu Wen-Tsun, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Townsville, Australia, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- J. S. Lee, J. Hsiang & P. H. Tsang, A generic virus detection agent on the Internet, Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1997, Vol.4, No.7-10, pp.210-219, Jan., 1997.
- J. Hsiang, Guan Shieng Huang, Some fundamental properties of Boolean ring normal forms, Workshop, 1996 Mar: Washington, pp.587-602, Dimacs Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.35, 1997.
- 項潔。從Internet看未來的資訊革命。網際網路應用技術研討會,民國85年,頁1-3。
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On the notion of complexity of search in theorem proving, Logic Colloqium 96', Association of Symbolic Logic Annual Meeting, Spain, July 1996.
- J. Hsiang & G. S. Huang, The Normal Form of Boolean Functions under Don't-care Conditions, DIMACS Workshop on Satisfiability Problems, March 1996.
- J. Hsiang, From Internet to the Future of Information Revolution, Workshop on Internet Technology, pp.1-3, 1996.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On the Representation of Dynamic Search Spaces in Theorem Proving, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kaohsiung, December 1996.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On semantic resolution with lemmaizing and contraction, Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, August 1996.
- J. Hsiang, Rewriting Techniques and Applications. 6th International Conference, RTA-95, Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 5-7, 1995.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Subsumption Revisited, Proceedings of Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, pp.123-131, 1995.
- J. Hsiang, Verification sequential circuits using inductive theorem proving, Proceedings of the Workshop on Inductive Theorem Proving, Nancy, France, June 1994.
- H. Zhang & J. Hsiang, Solving open problems in quasigroups by propositional reasoning, Proceedings of International Computer Science Conference, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, December 1994.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On fairness in distributed automated deduction, in P.Enjalbert, A.Finkel and K.W.Wagner (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Würzburg, Germany, February 1993, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.665, pp.141-152, 1993.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Distributed Deduction by Clause-Diffusion: the Aquarius Prover, Proceedings of the third conference on the Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation, Gmunden, Austria, September 1993, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.722, pp.272-287, 1993.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, A System for Distributed Simplification-Based Theorem Proving, Proceedings of Parallel Deduction Systems, Springer-Verlag LNCS, 1992.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, A Category Theory Approach to Completion-based Theorem Proving Strategies, Category Theory 91’, Montreal, June 1991.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, High Performance Simplification-based Automated Deduction, in Transactions of the Ninth Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1991, ARO Report 92-1, pp.321-335, March 1992.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, On Fairness of Completion-based Theorem Proving Strategies, in R.V. Book(ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Como, Italy, April 1991, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 488, pp.348-360, April 1991.
- H. Chen & J. Hsiang, Logic Programming with Recurrence Domains, 18th International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming, Madrid, July 1991.
- J. Hsiang, Simplification Orderings as a basis for Automated Deduction, U.S./Japan Workshop on Automated Deduction, Argonne, June 1991.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Incompleteness of the RUE/NRF inference systems, Association of Automated Reasoning Newsletter, 1991.
- J. Hsiang, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Tutorial on Rewrite-Based Theorem Proving. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Kaiserslautern, FRG, July 24-27, pp.684, 1990. [SCI]
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, A System for Distributed Simplification-Based Theorem Proving., Dagstuhl Seminar on Parallelization in Inference Systems, pp.370, 1990.
- H. Chen, J. Hsiang & H.C. Kung, On finite representation of infinite terms, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, pp.100-114, Montreal, May 1990.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Completion Procedures as Semi-Decision Procedures, proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, Montreal, May 1990.
- H. Chen & J. Hsiang, Computing with Recurrence Domains, Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science, Toyohashi, Japan, August 1990.
- M. P. Bonacina & J. Hsiang, Operational and Denotational Semantics of Rewrite Programs, North American Conference in Logic Programming, Austin, Texas, October 1990.
- S. Anantharaman, J. Hsiang, & J. Mzali, SbReve: A Term Rewriting Laboratory with Unfailing Completion, 3rd International Conference on Rewrite Techniques and Applications, April 1989.
- J. Hsiang & J. P. Jouannaud, Complete Sets of Inference Rule for E-Unifications, 2nd International Workshop on Unification, Val d'Ajol, France, 1988.
- J. Hsiang & M. Rusinowitch, On Word Problems in Equational Theories, 14th International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming, Karlsruhe, Germany, July, 1987. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.267, pp.54-71.
- N. Dershowitz & J. Hsiang, Refutational Theorem Proving with Oriented Equations, Colloquium on the Resolution of Equations in Algebraic Structures', Lakeway, Texas, May 1987.
- J. Hsiang, Knuth-Bendix Completion as a Semi-Decision Procedure, the Proceedings of The First International Workshop of Conditional Term Rewriting Method, June 1987.
- J. Hsiang, M. Rusinowitch, & K. Sakai, Complete Set of Inference Rules for the Cancellation Laws, 10th International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Milan, Italy, August 1987.
- J. Hsiang & M. Rusinowitch, A New Method for Establishing Refutational Completeness in Theorem Proving, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Automated Deduction, July 1986. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.230, pp.141-152.
- L. Bachmair, N. Dershowitz, & J. Hsiang, Orderings for Equational Proofs, Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pp.346-357, Boston, June 1986.
- J. Hsiang & M. K. Srivas, A Prolog Environment for Developing and Reasoning about Data Types, the Proceedings of the Colloquium on Software Engineering (TAPSOFT) Berlin, March 1985. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.186, pp.276-293.
- J. Hsiang, Two Results in Term Rewriting Theorem Proving, Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.202, pp.310-324, May 1985.
- J. Hsiang & M. K. Srivas, Prolog-based Inductive Theorem Proving, the Proceedings of the 5th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Dec., 1985. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.206, pp.129-149.
- J. Hsiang, Term Rewriting Theorem Proving for Equality, the Proceedings of the Workshop in Combinatorial Algorithms in Algebraic Structures, Otzenhausen, Germany, August 1985.
- J. Hsiang & N. Dershowitz, Rewrite Methods for Clausal and Nonclausal Theorem Proving, the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming, Barcelona, Spain, 1983, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.154, pp331-346.
- N. Dershowitz, J. Hsiang, N. Josephson, & D. Plaisted, Associative-Commutative Rewriting, the Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp940-944, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 1983.
- J. Hsiang & N. A. Josephson, TeRSe: A Term Rewriting Theorem Prover, the Proceedings of The Rewrite Rule Laboratory Workshop, General Electric Research and Development Center, Schenectady, NY 12345. September 6-9, 1983.